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The industry’s voice in Washington, DC.


What is advocacy and why should I care?

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy, in its simplest terms, is the act of letting the government know what you think about current or pending policy or legislation.

Why you should care is also fairly simple; the government makes the rules by which we all have to live, play, and work. And whether you want to create a new rule, repeal an old rule, or stop a rule, your course of action is the same: you must talk to the government.

The good news is that your voice will be heard if you engage in advocacy because not many people actually take the time or make the effort to get involved. Another bit of good news is that members of Congress (MOCs) and their staff want to hear from you because they need to know what is going on in their districts and how constituents feel about specific policies and legislation. A MOC won’t always do what you ask, but they and their staff will always listen.

What MOCs Need From You

Another important reason MOCs and their staff want to engage with you is because you have a deep knowledge base regarding mining and the minerals industry. MOCs must understand how specific legislation and policies are going to affect the communities they serve, and when it comes to issues impacting minerals, the expertise they are looking for comes from you. Be the resource your MOC or staff member needs and you will quickly become an effective advocate.

Side Tip: While you are certainly an expert on the minerals your company produces, there will be times when you are asked a question to which you don’t know or can’t remember the correct answer. Don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t know and offer to follow-up with the correct answer. This response gives you an opportunity to have a future contact with the MOC’s office and builds your reputation as an honest and reliable resource. Misleading an MOC once (intentionally or not) will do permanent damage to your reputation.

Get Personal

Few people are persuaded by facts alone. The most effective and powerful advocacy comes in the form of personal storytelling that MOCs, fellow advocates, the media, and others can easily relate. When telling your personal story, be sure to use language and terms that the MOC and staff can easily understand. If your story evokes emotion and resonates with your MOC, he or she will share it with others when speaking about your issue in public speeches, talks with the media, and policy discussions with other MOCs.

Making a Difference in Five Minutes

Balancing work and life can be complicated, and there are many interests competing for the limited time in your day. It is easy for advocacy to get pushed to the side by everyday activities, which is exactly why many people don’t engage and why your voice can actually have an impact if you do engage.

Advocacy doesn’t have to take a lot of time. You can make a difference in less than five minutes. Below are four quick and easy ways to make a positive impact in supporting policies that support the minerals industry.

Call Your Member of Congress (MOC)

You don’t need an impending vote or bill number to justify your call (but if there is an impending vote, definitely call!). MOCs want to hear from you, so don’t feel shy about picking up the phone. Let your MOC’s staff know what concerns you and what’s on your mind. Let them know that you’re here to help, to be a resource that his or her office should not hesitate to reach out to.

Get Involved with EMA

Join EMA’s advocacy network to receive advocacy alerts, legislative updates, and other policy related news on the national level. We’ll keep you up to date on what issues are active and let you know when to reach out to your MOCs to impact upcoming votes.

Inform Others

Word of mouth is still a powerful tool to spread awareness of issues. Share any legislative, policy or regulatory concerns with friends, family members, or colleagues and use it as an opportunity to educate others on what the minerals industry does.

Write to Your MOC

A simple but extremely effective way to make a difference is to send your MOC a letter containing your concerns, viewpoints and/or thoughts regarding issues of importance to you. Your MOC will appreciate you taking the time to send a letter and his or her office will almost certainly respond to your letter with one addressing your points and where your MOC stands on the issue.

Advocacy Toolbox

Making Effective Phone Calls LEARN MORE
Sending Effective Emails LEARN MORE
Writing Persuasive Letters LEARN MORE
Congressional Office Meetings LEARN MORE
Facility Tour Guide LEARN MORE
Working with Legislative Staff LEARN MORE
Op-eds and Letters to the Editor LEARN MORE
Town Hall Meetings LEARN MORE

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