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The industry’s voice on the:


EMA supports strong policy that protects both the environment and the minerals industry.

Protecting Our Natural Resources

The minerals industry would not exist without a healthy environment. EMA and the entire minerals industry are committed to protecting natural resources for generations to come. EMA advocates for policy that strikes a balance between ensuring the nation has access to essential minerals and protecting the environment.

EMA is the voice of the minerals industry in Washington, DC. Our voice is stronger when we work together as an industry. From commenting on proposed regulations, meeting with elected officials, hosting policymakers on site visits, or bringing in policy leaders to speak at conferences, EMA strives to be a strong advocate for policies that are beneficial and fair to the industry. EMA’s policy objectives aim to allow the industry to remain viable and globally competitive by ensuring regulations are legally sound, are achievable, and are not overly burdensome.

Policy Initiatives

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EMA Offers Support for Bipartisan House Bill to Clean Up Abandoned Hardrock Mines

September 18, 2024

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Continue Reading about EMA Urges Congress to Curb Environmental Regulations Impact on Small Business

EMA Urges Congress to Curb Environmental Regulations Impact on Small Business

February 14, 2024

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Continue Reading about EPA’s Revised Air Quality Rule is Unrealistic and Hurts American Business

EPA’s Revised Air Quality Rule is Unrealistic and Hurts American Business

February 8, 2024

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