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EMA supports legislative and regulatory policies to make the transportation of minerals as efficient and effective as possible.

Keep Minerals Moving

The minerals our members produce are critical to the global manufacturing supply chain and are used in products that are essential to the everyday needs of everyone. One of the most significant issues impacting the industry involves the transportation of product to customers throughout the globe. Minerals are shipped via truck, rail, and commercial shipping vessels. EMA members work with key players in the transportation world, including ports, trucking companies, rail companies, and rail car leasing companies.


Improving Rail Service

A majority of minerals move by rail each year; however, EMA members are captive to the nation’s freight rail companies. This transportation structure leads to issues, such as a lack of competition and a lack of market-based incentives that lead to reduced rail service, high rates, and poor cycle times. EMA advocates on behalf of the minerals industry to the Surface Transportation Board (STB), which provides economic regulation of the freight rail industry. EMA urges the STB to adopt reforms that better reflect the modern-day rail marketplace.

As part of EMA’s efforts to promote the minerals industry’s overall rights relating to rail shipping, EMA has retained the services of Daniel Elliott, former chairman of the Surface Transportation Board, as senior consultant on rail issues. Daniel actively participates in the Rail Customer Coalition in the United States and the Coalition of Rail Shippers in Canada.

In 2023, EMA became the first association to host all five members of the Surface Transportation Board on a field trip to the Trona Patch in Green River, WY, where they visited four of our soda ash producers over a 3-day period.

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President Trump Nominates Former EMA Executive Vice President Wayne Palmer as Assistant Secretary of Mine Safety and Health at the Department of Labor

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EMA Urges Trump Administration to Reverse Course on Tariffs on Imports from Canada and Mexico

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